As 2013 came to close there were many occasions to say goodbye. I've seen close friends give their last regards to family members. As painful as the grieving process is, I have also seen those same friends rebound from their pain, heal from their experience, and emerge again anew. As some people have left us in this world to move on to the next, I have also experienced shifts in the circles of my friendships. Some people have moved close while others are a bit further than before. Relationships tend to ebb and flow like the movement of the sea; I will always have a few boulders that are too stubborn to go anywhere but smaller, looser stones tend to drift away with time. The boulders help kept me sane, they are the people I I fear losing the most and I am fortunate to have then with me now and I hope into the future as well.
Just as 2013 has been filled with our goodbyes, 2014 is filled with hellos. So many people in my circles (myself NOT included, at least not yet) are welcoming new life into their families. Little toes and tiny fingers and cute noses now fill the lives of these people with happiness.
Both of these experiences change lives for better or worse; as I grow up, however, I cherish whatever it is these events bring to my life and hope that they will influence me for the better.
Now that we are getting into the full swing of things in 2014, I myself have undergone some transitions. Nothing too extreme from my normal self, just a better version of myself. With some nudging from my husband, I've started wearing more religiously asociated clothing. I wasn't walking around like Naked Nadine or Short Skirt Susan so put away those side glances. My dress has always been fairly conservative, I've just kicked it up a notch. At first I agaonized about the change; people would look at me funny or ask 100000000 questions I didn't have time to or care to answer. It would have been horrible! But to my pleasant surprise, it wasn't. And I honestly feel like I'm being more true to myself by dressing this way. So it's a nice change. Plus, it's opened my eyes to a while new world of fashion and fabulousness I didn't even know existed. Hurray for shopping!!!!
In general, I don't consider myself someone who really likes change. I'm more habitual than a daytime television schedule, but I guess it's all a part of growing up. And right now, I'll do the best to welcome the change with open arms. I hope that in the end, it is all for the best, God willing.