Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Olympics, yogurt making, ice tea fail

My goal for this blog was to have a new post every week. But at the rate I'm at right now, it looks like I may have a post up every other week. Oops.

I've never been a hard core Olympics fan. The only big sporting event I really go for is the World Cup. I do have a great respect for all the athletes and countries that are represented in this tremendous event, Lord knows I could never come close to doing what they do. Apart from catching the latest amazing photos of the Olympic games, I think you really notice the true effect of globalization. One can really respect how much the world has changed when Mohammed Ali represents England and Eun Bi Yang represents America (disclaimer: to my knowledge, these aren't the names of real athletes, just random names). The fluidity of modern day borders allow literally anyone to be a representative of any nation regardless of culture, race, or religion. We've truly become a melting pot in every sense.

But this melting pot still has a way to go before it can become a flavorful stew (food analogies are the bestest!). The hate, intolerance, and ignorance within our societies is absolutely unbearable. Mohammed Ali can be showered with cheers and flowers from his fellow countrymen when he wins a gold metal, but after all the celebrations he goes back to be treated as a second class citizen by those same countrymen. This attitude isn't just seen in the Olympics, it is even more notorious in the soccer world. How is this hypocrisy justified by any means? The world is changing, period. It's time to get past all this.

My new favorite past time has become yogurt making. I made my first successful batch of yogurt about a couple of weeks ago and it was super fab!! I can't wait to start experimenting with different flavor combinations. Yumm

Here's an update on my most recent adventure in ice tea making: Mandarin mint orange pear ice tea is gross with a capital G! The only way I could fix it was to water it down and add tons of sugar. Turning it from an ice tea into modern day fruit juice. ^.^

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