Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 16

It's almost Friday! Heeeeeeellllllllloooooo long weekend :-)


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 15

Wearing my awesome new t-shirt!!! I love being a covered girl - get it? Cover girl, covered girl - cute, huh??


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 14

In a previous post, I discussed two giant zucchinis I had received from a club member's garden. Yesterday, I cut open the second vegetable of the pair and made a nice sized portion of fried zucchini . . . from just HALF of it. I ran out of batter and was only able to fry up about 2/3 of this portion. Currently, I have made two frittatas and fried zucchini and I still have one half of these humongous squashes that is untouched. I think I will try my hand at making zucchini bread. 

I told you it was a lot of zucchini!! And I love it; it makes me happy ^.^ It's also very cost effective and healthy. These plants were grown under completely organic conditions and I will be able to get about four hearty dishes from just two plants. Just what you need when money is a lil tight. 


Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 13

 Mama bird sitting in her nest in a tree along my walk to lab. Maybe I'll get to see baby birds chirping away very soon. This is the first time I can remember seeing a bird in a nest this close. 


Day 12

My husband surprised me on Friday with a super cute t shirt that is very very Miss Fatu! It's absolutely perfect!!

I'll put up a post sometime this week of me rockin' it. 

Of course this post was supposed to go up Fri. Still playing catch up. 


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 11

I'm still falling behind in getting my posts up for each day, but I'm going to stick with the challenge and get 100 posts up that are representative of 100 days. That's better than just giving up, right??

Went new car shopping on Sat! Walked away with a pretty good deal and will soon be picking up a cute new turbo diesel ride. Now, all that's left is thinking of a name for the new addition to the family ^.^


Day 10

Date night with the hubby! We had great burgers at a cute little gastropub just around the corner from our home ^.^


Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 9

For a reason I have yet been able to explain or understand, there are bird nests on literally every tree that lines the road by my laboratory. Most of them are half finished and look kind of clumsy. Either the maker of the nest was dumped by his intended mate, or these nests were just failed attempts at getting it right. Maybe the view from the tree branches wasn't ideal. I just love trying to understand how a little bird can build such an amazing home with its beak and twigs. Compared to all the resources and measurements and heavy machinery humans use to build a residence, birds can do the same and even better just on their innate instinct. Bird nests are such an amazing creation and they will never cease to awe and amaze me.

Day 8

Watching Anthony Bordain cover my city and literally my neighborhood in his show Layover: Extra mile. My husband and I could not stop laughing at how honestly our city was portrayed in the show - the good, the bad, the ugly.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 7

Arrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh late at positing yet again. 

Great article sent to me from my dad! He knows his daughter well ^.^


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 6

Money is a little tight in my household right now and it seems like a lot of the things I enjoy doing need more cash than I'm willing to put out at the moment. One of my hobbies is gardening. To make up for the lack of cash, I've started experimenting with seeds I've saved from store bought veggies. About a week ago, I planted some bell pepper seeds just to see what would happen. Surprisingly, they've started sprouting!!! I doubt very much that I will end up with bell peppers, but it'll be fun just to see how much they grow and how big the plants become. My lemon balm and apple mint have come back for another year and I'm looking forward to throwing their flavorful leaves into some tea - iced and hot. 


Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 5

The only way to a true Senegalian's heart is through his/her stomach. And lucky for me, I have a husband who can cook ^.^ Chicken gumbo!


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 4

Arrrrggghhh! In true Senegalian fashion I'm already falling behind in my posts. U_U

Zucchini and potato frittata! If you haven't figured out by now, yes I am a foodie and I think it is safe to say that at least 50 of these 100 days will be filled with my love for food. The potatoes and zucchini in this frittata have a nice story to go along with them that added to my happy for the day.

First, the potatoes - these are the very first perfect potatoes that I have cooked up since having a horrible two month encounter with very stinky, nasty, spoiled potatoes. It was a relief to reach into that bag with confidence knowing the vegetable I picked would be edible and odor free. I do not think I have ever experienced a food based horror as horrible as a spoilt spud - it is literally indescribable.

Second, the zucchini - this lovely vegetable was generously given to me by a member of the radio club my husband and I attend. He is an avid natural gardener and has had a very hearty harvest this season; there was more than enough for him to give away. I adore zucchinis and was more than happy to take some off of his hands. These lovely vegetables were the size of eggplants with a nice firm flesh on the inside. A great addition to my home-cooked brunch this weekend.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 3

Big fun cheap sunglasses!
(I wrote this yesterday, just didn't get to post it!)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 2

First pedi of the summer - a little late and DIY

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


In my last post I indicated interest in completing the 100 days of happy "challenge". One of my friends introduced me to the idea and she herself dutifully posted instances of happiness on her Facebook. The task is hard because even on the worst of the worst of days you have to find that small ray of light to write about. I hope that this challenge will not only help me appreciate more out life, but will also get me more in the habit of writing in my blog; the latter I need to work on moreso than the former. 

Before I start, I do have to admit I'm cheating a little bit. I knew I wanted to complete this challenge so I already have a few occasions of happy in my back pocket. Nothing like a good head start ;-) 

Here goes!